Staying Safe in Air Quality Hazards

Staying Safe in Air Quality Hazards



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Ashlyn Halstead

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This week, a majority of the United States and especially the Midwest, are feeling the effects of a current Canadian wildfire. Smoke continues to cover Indiana, over 102 million Midwestern’s live in areas in which were expected to reach at least a code orange level of air quality Wednesday, which is unhealthy for sensitive groups, the Environmental Protection Agency said.

This smoke can irritate lungs, limit visibility, and send burning sensation up your nose. Our Milestone Safety crew knew that they needed to take extra precautions to protect workers during this time, on Wednesday they loaded up and deployed to different worksites across the state to deliver extra mask and stress the importance of wearing them to protect employees who were outdoors at this time.

What do I do if air quality is bad?

Depending on the level of the air quality, people should take levels of precaution depending on whether they have underlying conditions or are in sensitive age groups. Older people, children and people with heart and lung problems should take greater care to avoid strenuous activity outdoors or stay inside as much as they can. When the air quality reaches an unhealthy level for everyone, it’s best for all to stay indoors.

The small particles in wildfire smoke can irritate the eyes, nose and throat and can affect the heart and lungs, making it harder to breathe.

Keep windows and doors shut to prevent smoky air from getting inside and use air purifiers to improve indoor air quality. When you are outdoor in low air quality conditions it is advised to wear an N95 or better mask.

A special thank you Russell Randle and our safety team for living the Milestone Way and keeping safety at the forefront of what we do in this time. We appreciate your extra efforts!

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